South Phoenix Promise Neighborhood

Laura Soto

S. Phoenix Neighborhood Manager

Alaina Psomos

S. Phoenix Neighborhood Program Coordinator


What is the MentorKids After-school program LEAD?

Leadership, Enrichment, Academics, and Discovery

Children examining rocks and fossils on a table in a classroom setting, using magnifying glasses and flashlights.
Child standing in front of door with colorful handprint design and "LEAD Program" text.
A teacher and a young student reading a book together at a classroom table with educational decorations on the wall.

Our After-school program LEAD (Leadership, Enrichment, Academics, and Discovery) provides reading and math assistance, along with homework help, for K-8th grade students. LEADโ€™s primary objective is to positively impact student successโ€”in the classroom and the communityโ€”by focusing on outcomes tailored to each individual student, and his or her unique strengths and challenges.

In addition to the academics, kids in the South Phoenix Promise Neighborhood will also have:

  • Leadership Development 

  • Spiritual Growth Opportunities

  • Sports & Physical Activity

  • Art & Music 

  • And much more

Summer Enrichment Program

The kids in our neighborhoods are at high risk of summer learning loss, MentorKids makes it possible for them to grow academically during a time when they would normally regress.

Our Summer Enrichment Program is a full-day, structured four-to-five-week summer experience for K-8th grade students.

  • Reading and Math

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

  • Leadership Development

  • Spiritual Growth Opportunities

  • Social Skills and Healthy Habits

  • Sports and Physical Activity

  • Art and Music

  • Fieldtrips

  • And much more


iLEAD My Generation is designed specifically for our High School students. โ€ฏ A unique feature of the program is that each iLEADer becomes paid, part-time staff, working with MentorKidsโ€™ teachers to mentor younger students.

 This allows them to learn life and leadership skills while they earn a paycheck, highlighting the dignity and importance of work. The iLEAD program enables our High School students to build their resumes while still participating in advanced academic support, leadership development, and Spiritual Growth opportunities.  

And MentorKids programs are always provided at no cost to the families.

Explore the Impact of Our South Phoenix Promise Neighborhood

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